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Riley Center Underscores Needs of SC Nonprofits

College of Charleston’s Riley Center for Livable Communities and Together SC Survey Findings Underscores Needs and Resilience of SC's nonprofits

Date posted 09/28/2020

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Bias Creates Blinders in All of Us

I am fascinated with how the brain works. Hearing research on brain development, how adverse childhood experiences impact that development, and most importantly, how building resiliency skills can help combat those negative effects - this gives me hope for our communities. When my boys were...

Date posted 09/28/2020

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SC Legislature Directs $25M CARES Act Funds to Nonprofits

UPDATE: September 23rd, the Legislature adopted H.3210, the state’s CARES Act Phase 2 funding allocation that includes a fund for grants to Nonprofits and the Governor signed. See this blog for application process. In the Bill: $25 million - Total Nonprofit Grant Program Grant...

Date posted 09/24/2020

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Anti-Racism: Moving to Systemic Change

Since the murder of George Floyd, the Charleston community has seen weeks of multi-racial protests, removal of the Calhoun statue from Marion Square and lots of conversations about how we as a community move forward. As our mission is, in part, to eliminate racism, the YWCA Greater Charleston,...

Date posted 08/17/2020

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Our Collective Call to Action for Race Equity

Recognizing the Covid-19 pandemic’s disproportionate impact on minority communities and our current awakening around the issues of racial and social injustice, Together SC is undertaking an aggressive approach to educating, empowering and equipping nonprofit leaders to tackle systemic racial...

Date posted 08/13/2020

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Black Nonprofit Leaders Group: What Are We Waiting For?

We should all be afforded opportunity. Thankfully, during my twenty plus years in the nonprofit arena I have had many, including the opportunity to put on different hats and develop into a fundraiser. Learning about development, after years of being locked into direct service and outreach,...

Date posted 08/3/2020

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Become a Broadband Community Champion

Dear Together SC Allies: COVID-19 has laid bare that SC’s lack of Internet connectivity hurts so many families who can't access educational resources, healthcare services and job opportunities. Further, since we are all social distancing and currently trying to do everything from home...

Date posted 06/21/2020

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I Am Not Alright

Hello Allies. As many of you know, on May 18th, when I was set to host a Together SC call with Congressman Cunningham to discuss South Carolina’s plans to reopen the economy amid the COVID-19 pandemic, an Internet troll disrupted the call. Those on the call were exposed to sexually explicit...

Date posted 06/5/2020

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As South Carolina recovers, lets make equity a priority

Published May 20, 2020 in The Post and Courier By Melanie Huggins and Sherrie Snipes-Williams As Gov. Henry McMaster, accelerateSC and leaders across our beloved state continue to tackle the daunting task of reopening and rebuilding our economy, we and the Together SC network of nonprofit...

Date posted 05/20/2020

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How SC could help minority businesses

Published in The Greenville News, on May 20, 2020 The COVID-19 pandemic is ravaging the health, social fabric and economies of our communities, our country, and in fact the world. Two very powerful revelations have occurred: The virus is having a disproportionate effect on communities of color...

Date posted 05/20/2020

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Leading Through Crisis: The Nonprofit Series

Allies for Good: As we now extend our new reality, life with COVID-19 and beyond, there is much that we still don’t know or understand. What is clear is that we are in a time unlike any other. In that spirit, we have started a blog series to share some insights and recommendations that are...

Date posted 04/29/2020

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What Robert's Rules Say...

Robert's Rules of Order: For over a century, it has been the favored authority on meeting procedure for non-legislative deliberative bodies in the United States. There are others, but when most people think of motions and ayes and noes, the name Robert comes to mind before all others. Some love...

Date posted 04/29/2020

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