Bylaws, Policies, & Documents

6As the state’s umbrella nonprofit association, one of Together SC’s key roles is to model best practices for our fellow charitable organizations. As our "Guiding Principles & Best Practices" publication makes clear, transparency is an important practice for all nonprofits.

Toward that end, we've made our Board Policy Manual available in the File Library below, as well as these important documents:


This File Library contains Together SC's Board-Approved Policies. Please review the Policy Framework for an explanation of the structure and responsibilities for interpretation.

Board Policies that state how the board will instruct and interface with the staff. The responsibility for interpreting and carrying out these policies lies with the Board Chair.

1.A. - Global Governance-Management Connection:
1.A.1. - The Role, Authority, and Behaviors of the President Approved - 10/27/2015
1.A.2. - Connection between the Board and President Approved - 10/27/2015
1.A.3. - Evaluation of the President and Setting Compensation Approved - 06/25/2019

Board Policies that state how the board will do its job and how it will operate. The responsibility for interpreting and carrying out these policies lies with the Board Chair.

2.A. - Board Roles & Responsibilities:
2.A.1. - The Role, Authority, and Behaviors of the Board Approved - 10/27/2015
2.A.2. - The Roles and Responsibilities of Board Officers Approved - 04/25/2019
2.A.3. - Individual Board Member Responsibilities Approved - 06/27/2023
2.A.4. - Board Nominations and Elections Approved - 01/29/2019
2.B. - Committee Roles & Responsibilities:
2.B.0. - Board and Program Committees Approved - 01/26/2021
2.B.1. - Governance Committee Approved - 08/25/2015
2.B.2. - Finance & Audit Committee Approved - 08/25/2015
2.C. - Legal and Ethical Accountability:
2.C.1. - Definition of Transparency Approved - 06/27/2017
2.C.2. - Conflict of Interest Approved - 2012
2.C.3. - Rules of Order Approved - 01/26/2016

These policies, set by the Board, define how Together SC will impact the nonprofit community in our state—what good it will do, what big picture goals are priorities, and their relative priority.  The Board shares responsibility with the President in for creating these expectations, but the Board ultimately decides them. The responsibility for interpreting and carrying these policies out lies with the President.

3.A. - Mission, Vision, and Values:
3.A.1. - Positioning Statements Approved - 01/31/2020
3.A.2. - Racial & Social Equity Commitment Approved - 10/27/2020
3.B. - Strategic Plan and Other Plans:
3.B.1. - Strategic Plan 2020 Approved - 01/28/2020

Board policies relating to daily operations of Together SC. The Board creates its high level expectations in this area in partnership with the President. The responsibility for interpreting and carrying out these policies lies with the President. Staff policies in this area may be longer and much more detailed than the Board's policies. However, all staff policies must comply with and be consistent with the Board's policies.

4.A. - Operations and Evaluation:
4.A.2 - Membership Approved - 06/29/2021
4.A.3 - Public Policy & Advocacy Approved - 01/26/2021
4.A.5 - Consultant Collaborative Code of Conduct Approved - 01/30/2024
4.B. - Financial Management and Stewardship:
4.B.1. - General Policy on Financial Management Approved - 01/25/2022
4.B.2. - Document Retention & Destruction Approved - 01/30/2018
4.B.3. - Investment Management (Board-Designated Reserve) Approved - 11/17/2017
4.C. - Human Resources:
4.C.1. - Guide for Employee Policies and Procedures Approved - 04/26/2018
4.C.2. - Whistleblowers Approved - 01/28/2014
4.C.3. - Transition & Succession Plan Approved - 01/29/2019
4.D. - Fundraising
4.D.1. - General Policy on Fundraising Approved - 06/25/2019

Governance Committee

  • Tamela Spann

    Tamela Spann

    Vice President, Strategic Initiatives, Hollingsworth Funds


  • Erika Kirby

    Erika Kirby

    Executive Director, BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Foundation


  • Amanda Lawrence

    Amanda Lawrence

    AVP, Community Engagement, HCA Healthcare


  • Stig Rasmussen

    Stig Rasmussen

    Staff Attorney, South Carolina Office of Regulatory Staff


  • Spencer Scott

    Spencer Scott

    Executive Director, Florence County First Steps


  • Ann Wright

    Ann Wright

    Vice President for Advancement, Greenville Tech Foundation, Inc.


  • Benjamin Bullock

    Benjamin Bullock

    Vice President & COO, Together SC

    Staff Advisor