Peer Networking that Expands Your Business
Team Leaders Join Members Only Discussion
Team Leaders Join Members Only Discussion
Our consultant partners are a critical part of the nonprofit ecosystem. They offer skilled expertise when nonprofits need it most, supporting strategic planning, operations, project management, capital campaigns, and so much more.
Together SC aims to create value for both our consultant partners and our nonprofit members by building an engaged network of businesses working closely with South Carolina's nonprofit organizations.
- Offer member consultants a peer network, led by their peers that encourages their collaboration and professional development;
- Help Together SC:
- Better market consultants, showcasing their subject matter expertise
- Connect nonprofit members with potential consultants
- Engage member consultants in leading Together SC's peer networks, learning cohorts and training, assuring opportunity for all Consultant Collaborative members
Code of Conduct
Members of the Consultant Collaborative agree to adopt the Collaborative's Code of Conduct. (Effective 7/1/2024)
General Integrity
We agree to:
- be responsible, transparent, honest, and accountable for all our actions in order to safeguard the public trust with integrity;
- adhere to all applicable laws and regulations and avoid the appearance of any professional misconduct;
- encourage colleagues to embrace and practice these ethical principles and standards.
Client Engagement
We agree to:
- establish, maintain, and develop client relationships based on mutual confidence and trust;
- recognize our consultancy’s boundaries of professional competence, referring to qualified colleagues where beneficial to the client;
- ensure that all marketing and promotional materials accurately and correctly reflect the work, experiences, and expertise of the consultant practice;
- establish the nature and purpose of any contractual relationship at the outset and be responsive and available to parties before, during, and after any services and/or sale of materials;
- obtain explicit client consent before altering any conditions of contractual agreements;
- honor the intellectual property rights of other parties; be accountable for achieving the objectives, projects, and tasks that we undertake to deliver;
- protect the confidentiality of all privileged information relating to the provider/client relationships;
- avoid and/or effectively disclose all potential and actual conflicts of interest;
- avoid untruthful and disparaging communication regarding clients or competitors/colleagues.
Professional Reflection
We agree to:
- inspire others through our sense of dedication and high purpose;
- foster and champion diversity, equity, and inclusion in our work, and treat all people with dignity and respect;
- continually work to improve our own professional knowledge and skills, so that our performance will better serve others;
- affirm, through personal giving and volunteer service, a commitment to philanthropy and community well-being;
- treat our employees with respect, fairness, and good faith, and provide conditions of employment that safeguard their rights and welfare;
- The Consultant Collaborative is a membership program for entrepreneurs and firms who provide services primarily to nonprofit organizations.
- Participation in the Consultant Collaborative is open to all active business members.
- The Network manages an active Peer Network ListServ Group so members can connect online to discuss current trends, needs, and more.
- The Network also hosts gatherings (in-person and virtual) throughout the year to help members engage with each other in meaningful dialogue.
How Do I Join a Peer Network Listserv Group?
Join the community of your Together SC Peer Network! As a member of a peer network you can join one or more Peer Network Listserv Groups, a virtual community that allows you to share questions, resources and stay closely connected to your peers. These Peer Network Listserv Groups are moderated by Together SC staff and the Peer Network Leadership Teams.
- Each year Together SC invites a diverse team of consultants to help lead the Consultant Collaborative.
- The FY24 Leadership Team is shown below. Patrick Jinks is serving as Leadership Team Chair for the second year. We are grateful to all for giving of their time.
- The Leadership Team sets the overall direction and annual objectives for the Collaborative and helps design regular peer-led programming.
- They help Together SC engage consultants from across the state so that we are advancing the work of the full spectrum of consultants serving the nonprofit industry in South Carolina.
- They are asked to participate in periodic planning calls and an annual planning meeting.