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Embracing Our Shared Responsibility Toward Change

Sisters of Charity Foundation of SC research brief: South Carolina: Structural Factors Associated with Poverty  detailing the many systemic barriers to those experiencing poverty, done in partnership with the Rural & Minority Health Research Center at the University of SC

Date posted 02/15/2021

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Impact and Reach of SC CARES Nonprofit Relief Grants Program

Impact and reach of SC CARES Nonprofit Relief Grants Program to inform future advocacy options

Date posted 02/14/2021

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Looking in My Mirror - Tom Keith

Tom Keith of Sisters of Charity Foundation shares his personal story as part of Together SC's Removing Our Blinders series.

Date posted 02/13/2021

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Federal Nonprofit Policy Updates

Updates on Congressional legislative action. Based on material from the National Council of Nonprofits and the North Carolina Council for Nonprofits. Any calls to advocate for pending legislation can be found on Speaking Together. Update Jan. 29, 2021 Federal COVID Relief Plans Vague on...

Date posted 01/31/2021

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Speaking Together - your call to advocate

Ask Federal Leaders to Provide COVID Stimulus and Relief Tailored to Nonprofits As a leader in the nonprofit sector, you know how hard our organizations have been hit by the pandemic – and how hard we’re all working to continue serving our communities through this crisis. The next...

Date posted 01/27/2021

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Applying for the Paycheck Protection Program's Second Draw

Included in the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2021, signed by the President on Dec. 27, 2020, was a renewal of the Paycheck Protection Program, allowing for small businesses and nonprofit organizations to draw from the loan fund a second time. There have been some adjustments to the rules,...

Date posted 01/18/2021

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CONNECTED - The Post and Courier and you

A partnership with The Post and Courier aimed at advancing your good work.

Date posted 01/2/2021

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Get a discount on next year's dues with auto-pay!

Members who enroll in Auto-Pay when they renew, will receive a 10% discount on their dues when they renew next year!

Date posted 01/1/2021

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Finding Gratitude in Being Valued and Heard

I still can't really believe how this year has gone. I have found myself struggling and missing friends, family and my life before COVID.I struggle because I know that there are so many people whose lives have been completely upended as they've lost loved ones and jobs.It is so easy to get caught...

Date posted 11/23/2020

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September's Executive Order on DE&I - We Have Work To Do

A leading South Carolina DE&I consultant shares his reactions to the White House's September Executive Order restricting DEI work.

Date posted 11/9/2020

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A Personal Journey of a White CEO after George Floyd

I’m a military brat. I went to eight different schools in nine years and lived mostly in military housing as a child. This gave me a different perspective than many of my peers and relatives. My neighbors and friends growing up were Puerto Rican, Black, Filipino, you name it. When I was...

Date posted 10/26/2020

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Operating Under the Influence

Over the years, I have discovered certain truths about people and leadership.One of the most valuable lessons I learned came from an eighth-grade experience when the schools in my hometown were being integrated for the first time in 1967.My father, the activist, was one of a few parents to sign...

Date posted 10/12/2020

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