Reflecting On Heart-Work

Posted By: Andrea Tucker For Good Connections,

For me, the holidays offer a time to reflect on my love of family.

Like many of us working in the nonprofit field, my family influenced my passion to improve conditions for other families across South Carolina.

The women in my family, especially, are the reason I devote my time, efforts, and talents to the strategic management of funding at the Children’s Trust of South Carolina. 

As you read this in the December 19th For Good Connections, my family and I will be observing the first anniversary of my beloved Aunt Joyce Belinda Brown McCorvey's transition from the Earth.

My Aunt Joyce was a shining example of one who devoted their life to improving the lives of others. Her passion for improving our educational system and the lives of children was imparted to me from an early age.

For as long as I can remember, I have felt that same passion for impacting my community for the better. She unknowingly shared with me the idea that one should not just exist in the world, but we all can and should work to make a change, no matter how big or small.

As we all know, "heart work" can, in many cases, be hard work. It can be arduous; we can sometimes question whether we are making a difference at all.

But always remember your love for your own family, whether they be given or chosen family.

Reflect on how important that love has been to you in your life, and with that reflection, remember how important our work is to the multitude of families across South Carolina.

As a new Together SC Board member, I am honored to share my "why." 

Thank you for listening. 

On behalf of your Together SC team, I wish you a joyous holiday season. 

(Photo of Aunt Joyce Belinda Brown McCorvey and Andrea Tucker as a baby.)