Together SC offer resources and services for community leaders and nonprofit board members.
Date posted 03/9/2021
Together SC offer resources and services for community leaders and nonprofit board members.
Date posted 03/9/2021
Milliken leaders share DEI efforts to uncover and address unconscious bias
Date posted 03/2/2021
Below is a chronological list of previous Talking Together with nonprofit and philanthropic leaders calls. We welcome you to view, listen, save, and share as you deem appropriate. Talking Together with Nonprofit Leaders: Your Board WANTS to Engagewith Patrick Jinks, The JINKS...
Date posted 02/24/2021
Recognizing the Covid-19 pandemic’s disproportionate impact on minority communities and our current awakening around the issues of racial and social injustice, Together SC is undertaking an aggressive approach to educating, empowering and equipping nonprofit leaders to tackle systemic racial...
Date posted 08/13/2020
Allies for Good: As we now extend our new reality, life with COVID-19 and beyond, there is much that we still don’t know or understand. What is clear is that we are in a time unlike any other. In that spirit, we have started a blog series to share some insights and recommendations that are...
Date posted 04/29/2020
Robert's Rules of Order: For over a century, it has been the favored authority on meeting procedure for non-legislative deliberative bodies in the United States. There are others, but when most people think of motions and ayes and noes, the name Robert comes to mind before all others. Some love...
Date posted 04/29/2020