Announcing 2025 SC Nonprofit Summit

Posted By: Andrea Tucker Nonprofit Summit,

  A Message from the 2025 Nonprofit Summit Co-Chairs

    Hello All!

    We are thrilled that our three organizations are collaborating to help design this year's Summit. 

    In 2024, nearly 30 members, partners, and leaders from Together SC contributed to crafting the Summit's agenda, program, and plenary sessions - and the Summit evaluations proved their work had a tremendous impact. Let’s build on their success in 2025.

    Embracing Our Theme: Creating Common Ground

    Our Summit theme, Creating Common Ground, is inspired by the powerful words of Martin Luther King Jr.: "A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus." In a time of increasing political polarization, finding and forge common ground is more challenging yet more crucial than ever. Nonprofit and philanthropic organizations stand apart from these divides, focusing on community needs and solutions that enhance the quality of life for every individual and family in South Carolina.

    Leading Through Consensus

    As an industry driven by nonpartisan missions, we are often called upon to navigate complex political climates, intricate public policies, and dynamic community partnerships. Our sector bears the heavy yet noble responsibility of molding consensus to achieve systemic change. This task requires us to hone our skills, forge strategic partnerships, foster open collaboration, and leverage deep expertise.

    The 2025 SC Nonprofit Summit empowers the nonprofit and philanthropic sector to create common ground around the pressing issues impacting our communities and our state.

    Calling Steering Committee Members - Due June 14, 2024

    In 2024, nearly 30 members, partners, and leaders from Together SC contributed to crafting the Summit's agenda, program, and plenary sessions. With almost 800 attendees and an average evaluation score of 4.4 out of 5, their efforts were a resounding success.

    We invite you to help plan the 2025 Summit by joining the Summit Steering Committee. As a member, you will play a critical role in shaping the agenda, selecting sessions, and providing input on the Summit's structure and programming.

    Save June 24th at 2 pm for our first virtual meeting.

    The Committee also features several subcommittees to gather focused input:

    • Programming: Design the overall agenda and select keynote presenters.
    • Breakout Sessions: Curate session topics and schedules.
    • Partner Engagement: Manage outreach and programming for corporate, philanthropic, and governmental partners.
    • Networking/Entertainment: Ensure ample networking opportunities and plan receptions.
    • Legislative Engagement: Assist with outreach to legislators and state house planning.

    Seeking Nonprofit Summit Sessions - Due July 5, 2024

    We are excited to announce that session submissions for the 2025 Summit are now open! We encourage our nonprofit members, grantmaker partners, and consultant collaborative members to submit session proposals. Priority will be given to Together SC members.

    Join us in making the 2025 Nonprofit Summit a beacon of collaboration and innovation. Together, we can mold the consensus needed to drive impactful change in our communities and beyond.

    Let's create common ground, together.

    Your Allies For Good,

    Andrea                                         Henry                                Donna